
Research projects in 2019

Publisher:ZJQPublished time:2020-03-10Clicked:Times


Project name

Project leader

Project type


Leading scientist of Ten Thousand Talent Program in Technological Innovation

Lizhe Wang

Other departments of the State Council


Wuhan Youth Science and Technology Chaoyang Program in 2019

Chang Tang

Science and technology project of provincial, municipal, and autonomous region


Research on dynamic privacy preservation methods in cross-domain cyberspace

Tianqing Zhu

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Dynamic representation learning of knowledge graph joint text in hyperbolic space

Hong Yao

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Regional Controllability and Optimal Control of Time-Fractional Diffusion Systems

Fudong Ge

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Research on location privacy preserving based task allocation for vehicle-based crowdsensing

Yongfeng Qian

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Local anisotropy geostatistics for modeling complex geological structures

Zhanglin Li

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Distributed parallel indexing and similarity computing methods for multi-source heterogeneous time series big data

Zhenwen He

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Three-dimensional fine modeling method of urban geological space based on multiple-point geostatistics

Qiyu Chen

National Natural Science Foundation of China


On-orbit target detection of high-resolution remote sensing images based on deep network model compression and acceleration

Jia Liu

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Research on Efficient Co-evolution Algorithm for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification

Ming Yang

Science and technology project of provincial, municipal, and autonomous region


Event-Triggered Control for Networked Diffusion Systems on higher-dimensional Spatial Domains

Fudong Ge

Science and technology project of provincial, municipal, and autonomous region


Research on Large-Scale Task Collaborative Planning of Multi-agile Electromagnetic Detection Satellite

Xiaoyu Chen

Science and technology project of provincial, municipal, and autonomous region


Research on Intelligent Optimization Algorithm for Solar Cell Model Inversion

Wenyin Gong

Science and technology project of provincial, municipal, and autonomous region


Intelligent geoscience information processing

Lizhe Wang

Science and technology project of provincial, municipal, and autonomous region


Multi-satellite dynamic task planning under strong contention conflict for visible time windows

Xiaoyu Chen

Science and technology project of competent authorities


Research on time-sensitive target recognition technology in dynamic interference environment

Tian Tian

Technology project commissioned by enterprises and institutions


Research on classification method of high-resolution remote sensing image based on deep learning

Chunfang Kong

Optional subjects


Development of field sample collection system and improvement and development of data processing system

Jun Song

Technology project commissioned by enterprises and institutions


Construction of Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Intelligent Geoscience Information Processing

Lizhe Wang

Science and technology project of provincial, municipal, and autonomous region


Fine-scale classification of surface cover information in open-pit mining areas based on high-resolution remote sensing

Weitao Chen

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Research on Distributed Workshop Scheduling Based on Collaborative Distribution Estimation Algorithm

Chengyu Hu

Technology project commissioned by enterprises and institutions