
Quick Facts

There are 98 full-time faculties in the school. All the faculties are highly educated with high profession. There are 16 Ph.D. supervisors, 18 professors, 53 associate professors, and 27 lecturers in the school. Many faculties are with national title and honors. One professor is granted by the ‘National Outstanding Youth Fund’. One professor is elected in the national talent plan. One professor is named as ‘the young and middle-aged science and technology innovation leader’ of the Ministry of Science and Technology. One professor is named as the outstanding talent from abroad by the ‘Hundred Talents Program’ of Chinese Academy of Sciences . Besides, there is one ‘Chutian Scholar Distinguished Professor’, two Chu Tian Young Scholars, one ‘Ministry of Education New Century Excellent Talents’, two ‘Hubei 100 Talents’ scholars. Also, three faculties were granted by Hubei Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund, one ‘University Master Teacher’, eight ‘Cradle Plan’ winners, two ‘Takeoff Plan’ winners. There are also two ‘Hubei Innovation Groups’ in the school.