
Doctoral Program of Geosciences Information Engineering

Publisher:ZJQPublished time:2020-03-24Clicked:Times

The PhD program of Geosciences Information Engineering was approved and successfully passed the review and evaluation of the Ministry of Education of China in 2013.After more than 20 years of development, the major has built an academic team and distinctive research directions with Professor Cai Zhihua, Professor Wang Lizhe, and others as principle investigators. The directions include: Geoscience Information Processing Technology and System Development, Smart City and Digital Land Engineering, Smart Computing and Geoscience Applications, Space Mission Design and Dynamic Multi-objective Programming, High-Performance Computing and Geoscience Applications, Spatial Information Technology and Big Data on Geoscience, etc. Among them, in the research direction of Intelligent Geo-Information Processing, Geosciences Information Engineering, and 3D Geological Information Visualization are in the leading position in both the national and the world. In the past 5 years, the Intelligent Geo-Information Processing has published more than 100 SCI journal papers, and has organized five international conferences on Smart Computing and Applications. In the direction of Geosciences Information Engineering, our university has developed China's first large-scale Geosciences Information Engineering. The system has been widely used in major national engineering projects such as the land and resources information construction and the "Shenzhou" series spacecraft return searching and rescue system. In the direction of 3D Geological Information Visualization, the “Development and Application of Geological and Mineral Source Information System” are advanced internationally, and has a 3D geological visualization information system platform with independent intellectual property rights. On this platform, a series of application system such as basic geological survey, mineral deposits and exploration, investigation of geological disaster, urban geological surveys, and 3D mine visualization have been developed. The platform and contained systems have been applied in many fields of the geological and mining industries, including "Smart City", "Digital Territory", "Digital Geological Survey", "Digital Survey", "Digital Engineering", "Digital Mine", "Digital Oilfield", " Digital CoalField", "Digital Geological Disaster", etc.

The teaching team includes:one "National Outstanding Youth ", one "National Outstanding Contribution Expert", one "The Cross-century Talent of the Ministry of Education", two Ministry of Education "New Century Talents", and two "Distinguished Professor of Chutian ", The team also has two "The Chutian Chair Professor", two "Hubei Province outstanding teacher", and one Hubei Province" hundred talent plan". This discipline has "Intelligent technology based on evolutionary data mining and its application in the Internet of Things",Innovation Group of Hubei, Hubei Key Laboratory of Intelligent Geo-information Processing, and more than 10 professional laboratories (Spatial Data Management, 3D Geoscience Modeling, Space Analysis, Smart computing, Network Engineering, Information Security, High-performance Computing laboratory, etc.). The discipline has more than 200 high-performance microcomputers, graphics workstations, and servers.

In the past 5 years, we have funded more than 40 projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the State High-Tech Development Plan (The 863 Program), and the National Science and Technology Major Project. Those projects including two National Key Natural Science Foundation of China projects, one State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense key project, and three National Defense high-tech projects, with total funding of nearly 100 million yuan. We have published more than 200 SCI papers and 10 highly cited ESI papers with the first or corresponding authors. In 2018, Shanghai Jiaotong University's soft sciences ranked among the world's top-ranking disciplines in the 301-400 range, USNews World University Rankings ranked 147th in the world, and 30th in Chinese universities.

Our university has adhered to the concept of "open, competitive, and united". We have collaborated and established extensive exchanges with the University of New South Wales in Australia, the University of Western Ontario in Canada, the University of New Brunswick, the University of Aizu in Japan,University of Twente (ITC), and Stanford University. We have employed a number of foreign experts as adjunct professors and lecturers of our school. The university adheres to the policy of combining production, learning, and research, and has established multiple productions, researches, and research innovations bases on the Information Center of Ministry of Land and Resources, Geological Survey of China, State Administration for Science, Technology, and Industries for National Defense and other famous IT companies.