
Master Program of Information Security

Publisher:ZJQPublished time:2020-03-24Clicked:Times

The master of information security program was approved in 2013, which aims at providing students with courses with solid theory and excellent technological background in information security. and distinctive features", paid attention to the organic combination of theoretical teaching and practical training, and comprehensively built a high-level teaching system of computer science discipline. It also built a distinctive scientific research and talent training system for the needs of land, resources, environment, spatial information and other fields with the well-known computer science in China and the first-class computer science in Hubei Province as the short-term development goal and the first-class computer science in China and the world as the long-term construction goal, we will build a base for high-level personnel training and knowledge innovation.

Our research areas include: Multimedia Communication Security, Intelligent Computing Security Applications, Space Information Security, Applied Cryptography, Internet of Things Security. Our team include 17 doctoral tutors, 87 postgraduate tutors, including 1 with The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 1 National Outstanding Mid-aged Expert, 1 member with Trans-Century Training Programs Foundation for the Talents by Ministry of Education of China, 2 members in Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China, 1 member with Hubei Provincial Teaching Master.

This discipline has "Intelligent Technology Based on Evolutionary Data Mining and Application in the Internet of Things" Hubei Province Innovation Group, Intelligent Geoscience Information Processing Hubei Key Laboratory, and more than 10 professional laboratories (spatial data management, 3D geotechnical modeling, spatial analysis, intelligent computing, network engineering, information security, High-performance computing laboratory, etc.), has high-performance microcomputers, graphics workstations and servers, such as more than 200 (sets).

In the past five years, more than 40 projects have been supported by NSFC, National 863 program, and major national science and technology projects, including 2 national key NSFC projects, 1 national defense science and Engineering Bureau key project, and 3 National Defense high-tech projects, with a total funding of nearly 100 million yuan; more than 200 SCI papers have been published by the first or corresponding authors, and 10 papers have been cited by ESI. In 2018, the soft science of Shanghai Jiaotong University ranked 301-400 in the world first-class discipline ranking, 147th in the world university ranking of USNEWS, and 30th in Chinese universities.

The college always adheres to the concept of "open, competitive and joint". With the University of New South Wales in Australia, the University of Western Ontario in Canada, the University of New Brunswick and University of Aizu have established extensive exchanges and cooperation, and hired many foreign computer experts as distinguished and lecture professors of our college. The college adheres to the development policy of combining production, learning and research, and now has "GIS software and Application Engineering Research Center" of the Ministry of education, intelligent computing, information security and network engineering, "3S" laboratory, spatial information processing laboratory, and intelligent computing Many professional laboratories such as robot and image processing have been established, and many production, learning and research bases have been established with the national defense science and engineering Commission, China Geological Survey, information center of the Ministry of land and resources, East China Computer Research Institute, 709 Institute of China Shipbuilding Corporation and other units.

Among the graduates, there are not only senior research talents from famous universities such as Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Peking University, etc., but also R & D personnel from famous IT companies such as Baidu, Ali, Tencent, Huawei, Lenovo, etc., overseas talents who communicate and work in the United States, Canada and Europe, as well as information technology backbones serving banking, tax, industry and commerce, national defense, customs and other industries.