
Computer Science and Technology

Publisher:ZJQPublished time:2020-03-24Clicked:Times



 China University Geosciences (Wuhan) found the undergraduate specialty of computer science and technology 1985 and became one of key universities with such a specialty. That is, the specialty has been built for over thirty years. In 2012, the specialty was selected into the Hube Province project of cultivating of strategic emerging (mainstay) industry talent. The specialty became the key disciplinary of Hube Province in 2013. In the fourth subject-specific assessment held in 2016, the specialty was marked B, ranked 48th, and enter the top 30%. In 2017, our specialty for the first time became the top 1% in the ranking of global organizations. In detail, it ranks 283th. In 2018, our specialty ranked 147th in the USNew world university rankings. Among Chinese universities, our specialty ranked 30th. In 2019, the specialty became one of the first universities selected into the project of first-class undergraduate of state.


Lalents cultivated by our specialty will obtain the features as below. Firstly, they have not only sound scientific literacy and humanistic quality, but also good practice ability. Then, they have good theoretical foundation and professional skill of not only math but also computer science and technology. Furthermore, they have the ability of developing complicated software and hardware and designing application system. Also, they have the ability of data storage, modeling and prediction. In addition, they have the insight with international view for the development of computer cutting-edge, team spirit, organizational capabilities, entrepreneur spirit, and responsibility. As a result, students will become highly-competent people with the ability of lifelong learning.


The main courses include discrete mathematics, compting method, principles of computer composition, data structure, operating system, object-oriented programming, database principle, software engineering, computer network, artificial intelligence, fundamentals of compiling, computer system, machine learning, image processing, deep learning, big data system, theory and method of intelligent optimization, blockchain and future network, and intellisense and unmanned systems. 


The main courses of computer science and technology.

4.Faculty and Talent Training

This specialty has a high-level teacher team and a high-quality teaching environment. After more than 30 years of construction and accumulation, it has formed a good talent training advantage, and graduates are in short supply. There are 28 full-time teachers currently, including five professors, more than 20 associate professors, seven doctoral supervisors, a new century talent from the Ministry of Education, and two Distinguished Young Scholars from Hubei Province. All teachers have obtained PhD degree, and nearly 92% ones have overseas study and work experience. In recent years, in terms of teaching achievements, the second prize of provincial teaching has been awarded, and more than 20 provincial or ministerial teaching research projects have been approved, and more than 10 professional textbooks have been published. In 2019, the major built by Department of Computer Science won the outstanding grass-roots teaching organization in Hubei Province, and was selected into the first batch of national first-class undergraduate professional construction projects.


Students participated the 36th ACM / ICPC Asian Qualifiers


Students visited and investigated the development of creative agriculture in Zaoyang.

5.Career Prospects

In recent years, the employment rate of undergraduates of the major is roughly 100%, and nearly 40% of undergraduates are pursuing for master degrees or studying abroad. The undergraduates have a wide range of employments, such as Tencent, Baidu, Alibaba, Jingdong, NetEase, UnionPay, banks and financial institutions, China Telecom, NetEase, Air China, China National Petroleum Corporation, Hikvision, Oppo, IBM, Intel and other well-known companies. The average annual salary of undergraduates is close to 120,000 RMB, and continues to grow every year.


Employment situations and outstanding schoolfellow